Wow 35 days ago...

Wow 35 days ago... 


its been 35 days since I updated this log.  So whats been happening?

since the visual update,  I had been working on the AI Update which would make the AI use items, have animations, and shoot themself.  I had most of the planned content somewhat done and was getting close to posting an update mid august instead of the end of august as i had planned.

However every thing changed when the GMTK game jam happened

I was getting off work when i saw the announcement for the game jam's theme and thought "huh how would I make a game about scaling things?" "maybe you have a board game but the board pieces can get bigger or smaller!"  I liked this idea enough that I decided to enter and try my hand at the jam.

So I created my entry: A card battler where you can scale your own cards: Unwieldly Cards

I was proud being able to make a small game within 4 days.  However, it was with multiple bugs, missing features, and poor game feel that I wasn't satisfied with my own project.  The next week I improved the game to a working and stable state which was published yesterday.

I really like this game and I've decided my course of action for my next games.

For Arsonist Roulette I have posted the current version of the AI Update which has the main mechanics I was planning

  • An opponent with an ai system to decide which action to take during their turn
  • A model for the opponent aka The Dealer.
  • and small animation improvements

However I have decided that I will finish my game on September 30th.  Meaning I'll only have a month to polish the current features and maybe 1 new thing (maybe though).  I'll also try to update the game page to make it look better.  But most importantly, I'm going to give the entire project file to you guys.  I know that there's probably no one who cares but I hope that one person can look at this have fun and say "huh neat".  I honestly want to take game development more seriously as it is something I've always dreamed about becoming but until now I always thought it would just be a far off thing that I would work on during my free time when I got a job, a house, etc..  But now, I've realized game development is the only thing I want to do.  I know the steps I need to take to get there its just finally time for me to walk those steps.

I'm a game developer.  This is what I'm doing.

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16 days ago

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