A card game where you can resize your cards.


Get one of your cards to the end before your opponent


Each card has 3 values

  • Health: how much health a card has left. when it is 0 the card will die being removed from the board
  • Attack: how much damage a card will do when it attacks
  • Cost: how much a card costs to play or resize

At the start you will see your mana and the card you can play

You may click the card to go to the resizing canvas

Resizing Canvas

here you can use the buttons to make your card's attack or health larger in exchange for the mana listed on the card.

click the card to go to the battle field


the battle field is a 4 by 8 grid 

the red zone is dealer's home and the white zone is the player's home.  If an opposing card reaches a player's home then the player loses.

you may place your card in any of your home positions. your card is placed via the bottom left.

upon placing a card the player will have their cards advance.  each card will move forward or attack opposing cards if they are in the way.


my first time submitting a game for a game jam.  I tried my best but I didn't leave enough time for myself to develop the main combat system which forced me to leave the original version bare and unpolished.  I did learn a lot and will try to do better next game jam.

I plan to update this soon

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy


made by Potatotimer aka Nolan in 96 hours for the GMTK Game Jam

Assets Used

Cabin and Tables made by Gregory Seguru https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/cabin-environment-98014#pu...

card background by Avery Ross https://opengameart.org/content/trading-card-template

music by Alexandr Zhelanov https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov https://opengameart.org/content/dark-ambient-0

ambient sfx by Ogrebane https://opengameart.org/content/dark-ambiences

card symbols by Cethiel https://opengameart.org/content/pickup-items-icons

Updated 17 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreCard Game


GMTKJam-UnwieldlyCardsV_GameJamVersion.zip 59 MB

Development log

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