New Version with bug fixes

I've finally fixed the battle system to make the game work correctly

I plan on adding a few new cards and a small story for the cabin later / soon depending on how i feel about updating my other game Arsonist Roulette.

So what went wrong with the game jam version?

  1. On the first day i worked on the world design rather than setting up the core gameplay loop
  2. on the last day / 24hrs i worked on the battle mechanics
  3. unsurprisingly the battles would have cards teleport to incorrect positions and feel broken (i think it was technically working but visually it did not make sense)
  4. I focused alot more on the lore, setting, and card design rather than core gameplay which led to the gameplay breaking forcing me to spend more time on it and then cutout the "built" features

despite my dissappointment with the jam version, I am still proud of it and will keep updating this game for a bit.

however, i will probably wait to work more on this until i finish my other game I was working on Arsonist Roulette.  Which you can check out

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17 days ago

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